The Legendary Seacarver

Boarding the Seacarver via its nose-vessel, the Seasprinter

300 years ago, a prototype vessel was commissioned by the Capillum High Council for the purpose of global surveillance. The vessel was capable of traveling both deep below and high above the water. Most impressive of all was its stealth capabilities. The Seacarver was invisible to any form of sight or radar from one-hundred meters out and had a detachable nose-vessel capable of shifting its entire form with cutting-edge physical camouflage.

On the day of its maiden voyage, many top engineers gathered to watch the vessel depart. Most surmised this would be the last public appearance of the Seacarver, and they were right, only not in the way they believed.

That very day, the Seacarver was stolen… or so the stories say. It has never been seen since. All its crew were found, stranded but safe on a nearby island. The poor dehydrated souls had lost all their memory of the events. A strange coincidence… or a sign of a deeper mystery. That’s for you to decide!

- Dova Enbruis, Historian and Public Speaker

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