History of the Hosts: Glavius Adaeus Part 4
The History of the Hosts is a collection of short narrations telling the stories of Obelisk’s legendary Hosts. These incredible figures have shaped the course of humanity throughout the ages. For our first, History of the Hosts, we’ll explore the story of Glavius Adaeus, the very first Host:
Glavius Adaeus: Part 4
The throne Glavius had won in a moment, was not so easily defended. After defeating the Beast King, Glavius departed Akai, seeking knowledge.
In his absense, a vacuum formed and conflict boiled. Glavius returned to a continent ravaged by war. For every battle calmed by his words, two more broke out. The senseless death was beyond count.
In the end, Glavius knew the fight for peace would never end, and so he used all he’d learned to craft a new solution. By pouring his very soul into the crystal Nylk gave him, Glavius became something more. Through this vessel, he unified the world of man in his age and would guide its fate for millenia
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